The Talcott Family
Like a lot of my college friends, I haven’t done a great job keeping up with Dan and Katie. I vaguely remember hearing the news that they were having a baby. And I’m embarrassed to admit that when Dan emailed me to ask if I would do family photos for them, I couldn’t quite remember if their baby was a boy, or a girl.
Well, now I’m happy to say that now I know a lot more about Baby David. He’s a happy, inquisitive little guy, fascinated with trees and not too excited about grass. In short, he’s a perfect addition to Dan & Katie’s family, and was super easy to photograph!
Meet the Talcotts!
“Mom, don’t kiss me when people are watching!”
Yeah, not too excited about the naked-on-the-grass thing. I don’t blame him.
I try to do photos from the parent’s point of view whenever I do kids photos, since this is how they’ll remember him (drool and all). 🙂
I finally figured out how to do this picture!
David’s mad-dog.
Hey you guys, it was a lot of fun to hang out with you again! I loved catching up, and getting to see your family have so much fun interacting was really sweet. Thanks!