Contreras Family

When the Contreras family first asked me to take some photos for them, I was pretty interested in doing it.  But by the time Luis explained exactly what was going to be involved, I was absolutely thrilled with the idea!  Family members from different states and countries, all in one place, for a very short time… count me in!

For me, that’s the best part about doing photography for anyone.  It’s helping meet a very specific need with a very specific service.  It’s hard for me to create just for the sake of creating.  But when I’m creating to fill a request someone has, I love thinking through the very best way to give them something that they will treasure.

Sometimes, that means incorporating some of the newest photographic techniques I’ve learned.

Other times, like when Luis and his family, his parents, brother, sister, brother-in-law and their kids are all together, it’s just a matter of clearly showing who they are and the joy they exude being together.


See the family resemblance?

Where it all started… Mom and Dad!

I wish I had more pictures like this of me and my brother from when we were this age…

Did I say something funny?  Oh no, they’re really laughing at Gabriella, who’s behind me making silly faces.  Evidently she’s quite good at them. 🙂

I love the motion in this one…


To the whole Contreras familia, thanks for asking me to take your family photos!  I had a great time, and am thankful for the opportunity to give you some images to remind you of the beautiful family God has blessed you with.

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